Friday, December 24, 2010


How I envy those poets and authors.
to toss words into the air
and have them fall in perfect order.
why is it so easy to pour out my grief in a poem,
and so difficult to capture my joy in print?
joy exist in a fleeting moment,
grief lasts forever.
it takes one to feel grief,
two to feel joy.
my joy has already been shared and thus multiplied.
my grief till now has been private.
alone in the dark my grief mushrooms.
i need to find a friend to halve the burden.
will you be that friend?



  1. Very good. I have often said how without pain and suffering writing becomes so much more difficult.

  2. The key is to remember that difficult does not translate into impossible. And, you have to look at the world as a poem. By that I mean that a poem can come from anywhere and anything. I have written about my love of coffee ice cream, dreams, birds as if I were one, people in airports, my cat, and on and on. The world can be full of experiences that are hidden away from those who do not feel. You DEFINITELY feel!! So, stop, smell,touch and look at things. Then find the poem in them, however small they may seem at first.
